Kevin Gray

Zoning Commission

Current Office: Zoning Commission

Why I serve? I believe local government is the most personal level of government. It impacts our lives every day such as our children's education, the roads we drive on, our recreational opportunities and the character of the neighborhoods we live in. I feel it is a resident's responsibility to give back to our community to make it the best community it can be for all people to live, work, grow a business, or play.

It has been a pleasure to serve on a Simsbury land use board for almost 30 years.

Past or present Boards/Commissions/Volunteer work:

  • Two four-year terms on the Zoning commission. Currently Vice Chairman
  • Two decades on the Design Review Board serving as Secretary for over 10 years.
  • Active member of the Simsbury Historical Society for 35 years. Have served on the Board of Directors, two terms as President and currently Vice President and Secretary.
  • Church youth group advisor for over twenty years

Employment History:  Over 40 years of experience working in the life insurance industry. Have worked for Fortune 100 companies and my own small business. Have worked in underwriting, sales, marketing, sales technology, and system development.

Education: Bachelor's degree in Public Administration from the University of Hartford.

Why I love Simsbury: Simsbury is a wonderful town with a rich history. I appreciate that we have grown into a vibrant suburb but maintained our small town feel with a historic downtown and open space throughout our town. Our residents care about the town and our community thrives because of our volunteers. Simsbury offers a wide array of cultural and recreational opportunities and my four children benefited from our top-notch schools.

Fun Fact:  I was a member of a musical group that recorded an album in NYC.