Shannon Leary

Chair of Simsbury Democratic Town Committee Fundraising Committee

Why I serve? I have been a Simsbury resident for the better part of 20 years. I chose to live here, and would do so over and over again. I serve because I believe I can advocate for a portion of our community which no one sees, and that is those with disabilities.  I am always the person saying, "is this accessible?," or " is this inclusive?" The voices of those with disabilities are unheard, and I hope to help change that.


Past or present Boards/Commissions/Volunteer work:  

- Simsbury Board of Selectmen
- Simsbury Zoning Commission
- Simsbury Housing Policy Advisory Committee
- Simsbury Aging and Disability Commission Vice Chair
- Simsbury Zoning Commission Alternate
- Simsbury DTC Fundraising Chair/Volunteer Recruitment
- Simsbury Economic Development Commission
- Chair Simsbury Inclusive Neighborhood Development Coalition (SINDCo.)
- Founder and Inaugural Walk Chair, Autism Speaks Greater Hartford Chapter
- Founder and Director of Well Served Tennis Academy (for children with autism)
- CT IEP Task Force (appointed)
- CT PANDAS Task Force (appointed)
- WI Governor's Council on Disabilities (appointed)
- Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Board of Directors


Employment History:  

- Shannon K. Leary Special Education Advocate
- Friends of Jahana Hayes - Farmington Valley Coordinator
- The Next Street Autism Program Advisor
- OTIS Elevator Company Public Relations



- Masters degree in Organizational Behavior, University of Hartford
- Bachelors degree in Journalism, Ohio Wesleyan Univeristy
- The Loomis Chaffee School

Why I love Simsbury: It is beautiful. I will start there. Having lived elsewhere, I always comment to my kids that we are so fortunate to live in a place with such beautiful vistas. Our historical society is one of my favorite places, as it tells the true story of Simsbury - all of it. I love that we aren't perfect, but that we are constantly working to make our town more inclusive.